Dr. Carol Sherman's Ministry



Feeding The Hungry
​We have a food bank that we like to keep stocked up for those in need. As we hear of those within the community we will either visit with a load of groceries or during hours allow pick up of dry or can food staples. We also have sesonal community barbeques when weather allows.
CDCMF Job Bank
We provide listings from employers who are hiring in the U.S. and companies that provide jobs geared toward Veterans, ex-offenders and the handicapped.

Tutoring Program
Using the Beka Book System we develope individual curriculum for children needing assistance. Our staff works with the child's school to identify deficiencies, improve comprehension and allocution for 1st- 12th grade. Assistance is available in Reading, English, Comprehension, College Level Writing Skills and Math.

Job Opprotunities
Here at the CDCMF Neighborhood Center in Chicago we make ourselves and the computer center available to those in need of employment. We can assist in developing a resume and give you guidance as to resources. Our Founder Dr. Carol Sherman has made connections within the community for entry level positions.

Work And Ethics Training Program
​Designed to teach interviewing skills, proper dress and ethical behavior to participants. Providing six months of follow up services to ensure they are able to secure and maintain employment.
Before And After School Program
We provide a safe place for latchkey kids before school starts and after, until a adult family member is able to pick them up. Service is available for school age children 6-13 years old.
Computer Training Lab
We provide training skills and overview on how to access the internet, establish and use an email service, social media and basic training in Microsoft Office systems including Excel and Word.
Ex-Offenders Program
This program is designed to assist the ex-offender in adjusting to the work force in a positive manner utilizing the computer training lab, job bank, attaining a high school diploma, work ethics training, tutoring and job referrals.
Ex-Offenders Referral Service
Referral services for ex-offenders offers referrals for Crimminal Record Expungement Assistance from the City, County, State or Religious Organization.
Projected Homeless
Here in Chicago we have such a financial need that many have found themselves homeless. The weather can be a hard task master and no family should have to live in the elements or in their vehicles. We have a plan to open a shelter for women and their families. A safe haven to retreat from the world and gather yourself to become a productive part of our community.